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Basic Information 

Sex  Male

Birthday  19, December

City  Los Banos

State  California

Country  United States

Languages  English

Ethnic  African American

Relationship Status  Married

Zodiac  Sagittarius

Occupation  Consulting

Website  http://rodneyapp...

Page Statistics 

Total Views  131

Comments  0

Friends  28

Are you ready for this?

Rodney Appleton

57 years old guy

Location - Los Banos, California, United States

Relationship Status - Married


About Me

Facebook revolutionized Social Media. Talk Fusion is doing the same thing to the next big internet craze video. Best of all, they are paying people to do it. By 2015, 90% of all Global Internet Traffic will be video based. This make Talk Fusion the no#1 in-demand product in the world. All you do is ask people if they are interested in making money and invite them to a quick 20 minute online presentation. There are no meetings necessary, no face to face selling and no convincing. If I could show you how you can make money today would you take 20 minutes to learn more?
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