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Basic Information 

Sex  Female

Birthday  10, January

City  Queenstown

State  Eastern Cape

Country  South Africa


Relationship Status 

Zodiac  Capricon

Page Statistics 

Total Views  29

Comments  2

Friends  7


Lady Aisha

59 years old lady

Location - Queenstown, Eastern Cape, South Africa

Relationship Status -


About Me

Nothing has yet been written about herself
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herbalist photo

Lubega Michael wrote 8 years 3 days ago

I have sent you a message showing some of the things going on in your life but some people take it lightly am a healer my job is to highlight people and heal them if need be.
Evil is very strong but we are stronger if we accept to fight it, my dear a lot is going on in your life, through the bottom of your heart you accept it or leave it.

Through my check up I did you’re a gifted person strong intelligent and hard working but you have failed to make it where you are supposed to be. You work hard and have plans to accomplish but when you get the money you forget about the plans and you find that money just goes out of your hands, at times you have pains in your body, those are also signs of evil, head ach pain at times people say they are tired but it’s a sign as well.

You dream a lot but forget the dreams once you wake up, my dear some one have stolen your luck and all your plans.

Note; Challenging situations serve to expand our consciousness, by making us aware of the latent powers hidden within each of us, and ultimately nudge us down the path of a more perfect union with our creator.

There is a reason why am still highlighting you because your gifted.

This is my last call. Think twice, and make a call if need be.
+27837508510 / +27110384859

manojkumar photo

Manoj Varikela wrote 8 years 10 months ago

tqs for accepting my request ayisha..