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Graham Friends photoemma8043 photoyaba.alfa photomagosla photoslaveboy22 photochinedum.nwank photolatprejam photojacobcoal photo
Basic Information 

Sex  Male

Birthday  01, January

City  Atlanta

State  Georgia

Country  United States

Languages  Ebglish, kiswahili, luo

Ethnic  Black / African

Relationship Status  Married

Zodiac  Capricon

Website  http://marketing...

Page Statistics 

Total Views  93

Comments  3

Friends  8


Graham Odenyo

49 years old guy

Location - Atlanta, Georgia, United States

Relationship Status - Married


About Me

I am a self employed network marketer and exporter, 36 years old, currently married and also working on a patent. I love network marketers and self employed individuals, I specialize in helping other network marketers and individuals in the marketing industry improve on their marketing skills. More customers means more sales. With over six years sales experience in network marketing, selling cars, insurance, debt collections. I am a marketer at heart with a passion for helping others. I am looking to connect with others of like mind. If I can be of assistance to you, please let me know.
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kritikaroy photo

Kritika Roy wrote 6 years 4 months ago

Hii.. Do you want to promote your business with a great manner? Don't you want to grap the top position?

pwellsslu photo

Phil W wrote 10 years 2 months ago

Hey, Bro can we make that link...lest do it. photo

Kpaguillome Guillaume wrote 11 years 10 months ago

Thanks for your invitation .I am happy to have a new friend like you who can from time to time give me some advices

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