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Micheal Friends 
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Basic Information 

Sex  Male

Birthday  21, May

City  Agege

State  Lagos

Country  Nigeria

Languages  English, yoruba

Ethnic  Black / African

Relationship Status  Single

Zodiac  Gemini

Occupation  Engineering

Website  Mikelandconstruc...

Page Statistics 

Total Views  111

Comments  8

Friends  4


Micheal Odusanya


Location - Agege, Lagos, Nigeria

Relationship Status - Single


About Me

Am cool, nice, humble, diligent and hard working. I based in Nigeria due to some reason. U will be happy if u meet me. am into architectural drawing. am also God fearing person. I will be happy to meeting God fearing women and men on this zone for friendship
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slaveboy22 photo

Eddie Budnick wrote 10 years 7 months ago

dear Michael my dearest
I dream of starting a relationship with you next year,

love and kisses,

slaveboy22 photo

Eddie Budnick wrote 10 years 8 months ago

hello Michael my dear boyfriend
I would like to start a serious friendship with you as soon as possibly.
I had a dream lastnight about the 2 of us making love together and you ordering me to suck your cock as punishment
will be waiting to hear back from you.
love and kisses,

slaveboy22 photo

Eddie Budnick wrote 10 years 8 months ago

hello Michael my darling
sorry I did not forget to get back with you sooner had something to do and could not get out of doing it.
could we start talking between us what our
relationship could mean for the 2 of us.

love and kisses,

slaveboy22 photo

Eddie Budnick wrote 10 years 8 months ago

Michael my darling boyfriend
just waiting to hear back from you

love and kisses,

hotghada photo

Ghada Moha wrote 10 years 8 months ago

hi friend how ru

slaveboy22 photo

Eddie Budnick wrote 10 years 8 months ago

just waiting to hear back from you

love always,

summer photo

Summer Banks wrote 10 years 11 months ago

Hi micheal

mikky0009 photo

Micheal Odusanya wrote 10 years 9 months ago

am cool and you

slaveboy22 photo

Eddie Budnick wrote 10 years 9 months ago

Michael should be back on later today between 6:00 and 6:30

muhailya photo

Muhammad Ilyas wrote 10 years 9 months ago

what can i do for you Mr. Micheal,

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