obadiah3050 photo
Uzezi Friends 
magosla photo
Basic Information 

Sex  Male

Birthday  10, April

City  Warri

State  Delta

Country  Nigeria

Languages  English

Ethnic  Black / African

Relationship Status  Married

Zodiac  Aries

Occupation  Media/Publishing

Page Statistics 

Total Views  74

Comments  2

Friends  1


Uzezi Akpoviri

65 years old guy

Location - Warri, Delta, Nigeria

Relationship Status - Married


About Me

Easy going, love my job passionately
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Ore Lawee wrote 7 years 9 months ago

Hey check this out http://Youthnize.com/?ref=198465

sophie2736 photo

Olivia C wrote 8 years 2 weeks ago

Hi,would like to chat with you.