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Alli Friends 
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Basic Information 

Sex  Male

Birthday  25, April

City  Ikotun

State  Lagos

Country  Nigeria

Languages  English, yoruba

Ethnic  Black / African

Relationship Status  Single

Zodiac  Taurus

Occupation  Engineering


Page Statistics 

Total Views  227

Comments  2

Friends  15


Alli Cazy


Location - Ikotun, Lagos, Nigeria

Relationship Status - Single


About Me

Dis is ur boy cazy. What is good
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osunfunke photo

Osunfunke Yeyeoge wrote 8 years 10 months ago

How are you today o o?its shall be well with you o oo...happiness,success and wealth shall be yours and your family O o are chosen for greatness,wealth and rich with good shall not die untimely o oo ..u shall remain to fulfill your destiny in life o ooo..Adura e a gba o oo..ase o oo...For total solution/cure on marriage,life and health,Wealth,Protection related issues contact Osunfunke Yeyeoge HELPLINE;+2348102664457... If you have questions feel free to contact me i will answer your questions as best i can or point you in the right direction for an answer,if you come you will be welcome, do not ask for the distance because you shall gain it.The truth is not for all men, but only for those who seek it

mikibudu photo

Aheto Michael wrote 11 years 10 months ago

am mike from Ghana. can we be friends and also do business.?